Authors – Robert L. Spitzer, MD; Kurt Kroenke, MD; Janet B. W. Williams, DSW; et al
The GAD-7 screener is used to measure the existence and severity of generalized anxiety disorders, one of the most common mental disorders. This seven question screener will help assess a patient’s health status during the prior two weeks. The GAD-7 asks about the degree to which the patient has been bothered by feeling nervous, anxious or on edge, not being able to stop or control worrying, worrying too much about different things, having trouble relaxing, being so restless that it is hard to sit still, becoming easily annoyed or irritable and feeling afraid as if something might happen.
The questionnaire has been validated for use as a screening tool and severity measure in primary care and in general populations. Using the threshold score of 10, the GAD-7 has sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 82% for generalized anxiety disorder. The GAD-7 is also moderately good at screening for other anxiety disorders—panic disorder (sensitivity 74%, specificity 81%), social anxiety disorder (sensitivity 72%, specificity 80%) and post-traumatic stress disorder (sensitivity 66%, specificity 81%).
Fast and easy to use, the PTI App version of the GAD-7 is an economical, reliable and validated method to screen. Questions are presented one at a time with a single click answer to advance to the next question. The question format automatically adapts to the respondents device (smartphone, tablet or PC) making the PTI App version of the GAD-7 ideal for mobile devices.
Using PTI data services, when a questionnaire is complete it is immediately scored electronically and an in-depth report with summary and trending analysis is generated. Results can be printed, loaded into an EMR/EHR and are available as a PDF. The GAD-7 is often used as one dimension of an integrated BH screening interview.
For more information and validity information: