Early identification of social-emotional challenges can make all the difference to a young child. Children who exhibit inappropriate and unacceptable behaviors are seen as “troubled” or even “disabled”.
The earlier a behavioral concern is identified, the greater the chance a child has for reaching his or her full potential in life. This is the driving force behind the Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2™)—a parent-completed, highly reliable system focused solely on social and emotional development in young children. Accurately identifying behavior through ASQ:SE-2 paves the way for next steps—further assessment, specialized intervention or ongoing monitoring, for examples—to help children reach their fullest potential during their most formative early years.
With the typical ups and downs of young children’s emotions and behavior, delays or problems can be easily missed. And today, as more children a increasingly exposed to risk factors such as poverty or toxic stress, the likelihood of depression, anxiety, and anti-social behavior increases. There is tremendous opportunity during the first few years of a child’s life to identify and address potential social-emotional concerns. This is the heart of ASQ:SE-2.
The ASQ-SE2™, Brookes Publishing’s industry leading screener, is used to pinpoint challenges as it reliably screens children as young as 1 month and there are 9 age-appropriate questionnaires for ages up to 72 months. ASQ:SE-2 has been investigated with 14,074 diverse children across the age intervals and their families. Test-retest reliability is 89%; internal consistency is 84%; and validity is 83%. With questionnaire results (available in real-time), professionals can quickly recognize young children at risk for social or emotional difficulties, identify behaviors of concern to caregivers, and identify any need for further assessment.
Fast and easy to use, the PTI App version of the ASQ-SE2™ Questionnaires take 10 minutes on average for parents to complete. Parents answer the questionnaire about their child, clicking the answer that best describes their child’s abilities. Clear questions, illustrations, and tips help parents complete the questionnaire quickly and accurately. Questions are presented one at a time with a single click answer to advance to the next question. The question format automatically adapts to the respondents device (smartphone, tablet or PC) making the PTI App version of the ASQ-SE2™ ideal for mobile devices.
Using PTI data services, when a questionnaire is complete it is immediately scored electronically and an in-depth report with summary analysis is generated. Results can be printed, loaded into an EMR/EHR and are available as a PDF. To get a comprehensive look at a young child’s development, use ASQ:SE-2 in conjunction with ASQ-3 that will provide information on a child’s general functioning in communication, motor, and cognitive areas.
For more information and validity information:https://brookespublishing.com